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Upper Swabian museum village of Kürnbach

Preservation of old Upper Swabian farmhouses

The basic idea behind the Upper Swabian museum village of Kürnbach founded in 1969 is the preservation of Upper Swabian farmhouses that could no longer be maintained in their original location.

500 years of history all in one place. A real village consisting of 32 historical buildings and furnishings from various locations between the Swabian Jura and the River Iller has meanwhile sprung up around the thatched roof house dating from 1664  - the only surviving building from the original site. They tell a story of how the people lived and worked. Here, visitors come face to face with living history.

In addition to the historic buildings, there are 21 old workshops, such as that of a violin maker, wire braider, butcher and brush maker, as well as various collections.

Experience history actively

A packed calender of events ensures there is something for everyone. The Kürnbach museum village has plenty to offer, whether fun and games or culture and learning.Kids especially will not be disappointed.Kids are regularly invited to join in activities, and there are opportunities for making things, playing games, learning and exploration. A museum education programme for school classes and other groups rounds off the range of activities.

Among other events, handicraft days featuring demonstrations of rural craft trades are held here every year. Various concerts, readings and interesting presentations are also offered in the dance house.All events are listed in a separate events calendar, which you can find at: www.museumsdorf-kuernbach.de.

World's biggest brush

The "world's biggest brush" has also been on display in the museum since 2007.